Thursday, January 2, 2014

SHIRO.. the ZEN cat

Meet Shiro. Shiro is a Turkish Van cat (or so they claim). He lives in Japan with his other siblings and enjoy the life as a household cat with enough (or maybe a little bit much) of food, love and affection. He was born the 8th of March 2002.. and that would make him 11 years years old today.

Shiro has in the recent years became quite the internet sensation. His extreme calmness and almost trance-like demeanor seemed to be very endearing and also has cause his owner to experiment putting stuff on his head.

Some may find it offensive. Some may find it cute and adorable (like moi.. for instance)..

but almost all will find is ZEN...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Do Jelly fish Have Brain

Well.. no.. truth is, they do no have brains.. well not like human or mammal that is.. what they have is a complex network of nerves that respond to things and stimulation, but cannot reason or think. FYI.. they don't have a heart either.. or kidneys.. or gall bladder... (the list may go on and on..)

Well... this is certainly good news to the people below:


My Furry Paws

Willow, the Amazing Cat journey

You know, i've always loved cats.. i love them tiny feet and them bushy tails. I always dream that one day my cat would do something amazing.. like rescuing people from burning houses, or fighting with snakes to protect me.. or even sounded the alarm when i get sick..

but no.. it was not meant to be.. when i got sick, my cats immediately fell sick as well and went into a hibernation mode for 15 hours a day. They befriended other animals, squirrels, talked to lizards and oh... forget about rescuing.. they'll be sleeping if the next door's neighbors' house get burnt down..

So one may feel a little bit ruffled in the feathers when there comes a story of amazing feline feat.. i mean.. what's wrong with my furry paw friends, i wonder, who refuses to do anything amazing, except staring at the back of their eyes everyday... (by that i mean sleeping)

So, with great admiration albeit the annoyance that my cats are lazy, i give you the story of Willow. This pretty and awesome calico went missing from her home during a construction. For five years the family thought they'd never see Willow again but woe and behold, she travelled 1800 miles and was found in Manhattan... She seriously have got a secret to tell.. to bad we human do not know cat language...

Isnt it amazing??

Here is the link

Willos the Cat, 1800miles journey

Ms. Furry Paw

Friday, December 13, 2013

Let's Begin at the Beginning

I have spent some years blogging, not actively.. just part time and i often wonder.. what is it that i like to talk about.. and then i noticed.. Hey wait... 

I mainly talk about animals in my blogs. Not surprising as i love animals.. but writing about everything and anything makes me some sort of "Jack of all Trades.. but Master of None"

Nope.. i refuse to allow that idea shape my life.. 

If i am going to do something.. i am going to do it well.. I am going to do it so well that all the host of heavens (hopefully not hell) are going to say..  "Hey.. there's that girl who loves animals".. my writings would beam across the sky to the heavens.. hopefully not because how bad it is...ahaks... 

I may not be an excellent writer.. or impeccable researcher.. but i promise to tell stories.. 

So.. to other kindred souls.. who like me.. share the love of animals.. 

Lets start... at the beginning...

My Furry Paws